Branch logic using embedded data from contact list | XM Community
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I am using branch logic in my survey flow to skip over blocks that have already been answered. I have three blocks: household, sociodemographic, and adjustment. I created three indicator variables for each (HouseholdInd, SocioInd, and AdjustInd) and included them as fields in my contact list. Each variable has a value of either 0 or 1 (entered manually). If the variable has a value of 1 I want to skip the block represented by that indicator variable and move to the next one and so forth. If the variable has a value of 0, then I want to go through the questions in that block before moving to the next. All this explanation to say that my branch logic is not working at all. I've manipulated the indicator variables and not matter their values, the survey flow just goes through all three blocks in order. I have included a screenshot of part of my branch logic. Is there anything that looks glaringly wrong? Any suggestions on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated!

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 12.02.10 AM.png

What is the branching logic for when Householdind = 0? Would be good to see full survey flow if possible.

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 9.39.58 AM.pngwpm24 , here is the rest of the branch.

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