Bulk delete tickets or Change status | XM Community
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Bulk delete tickets or Change status


Hello everyone!!


Is there a way to bulk delete/change status to close tickets based on ticket status and other ticket data? 


i have found a way to delete single tickets using API, however you need a ticketKey.

which to me seems like a manual task to do it one by one. i need to delete or change status of 200 odd tickets 




5 replies

  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 241 replies
  • December 3, 2023

@qualtirc_novice you can set up a workflow task to update ticket status to close, i.e. after X days. This is a pretty easy process to make changes.  Deleting requires an API however, to which you can obtain ticket key by exporting list of the tickets you want to delete (i.e. tickets over x days old).

  • Author
  • QPN Level 2 ●●
  • 26 replies
  • December 4, 2023

i have tried using the workflow. however it has not worked for me. 

I wonder if it is related to the mandatory questions in the tickets.  

  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 241 replies
  • December 4, 2023

@qualtirc_novice that’s strange as it works for me and it overrides the mandatory questions as well, so that isn’t an issue we have faced.  Are you using the Update Ticket Task option in the workflows, that is what we use and we select the status & conditions we want to meet, run that task to update it to close.  

Ours is a little more complicated, where we have our own custom status first of ‘archived’ which we move it to first, then move it to close.  We do this so we can separate what has been system closed vs closed by a user in our reporting. 

So this is spread over 2 workflows, but haven’t had any issues in it running successfully.  In the workflow itself (I can’t attach screenshots with our org permissions), you select the variable which is your ticket key and then under configure fields, which select ‘Status’ then ‘Closed’ from dropdown.  Our condition of when to run this workflow is when any ticket has status of ‘archived’ (our custom status).

  • Author
  • QPN Level 2 ●●
  • 26 replies
  • December 4, 2023

yeah that seems unusual. i have reached out to support but no response


I’m unable to schedule the workflow from the new ticket screen.  I can create it but I cant run it.  Any thoughts?

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