Can you have questions that only display with retake links AND keep the back button? | XM Community
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Hi all - I want to have a few questions that appear near the end of my survey only with a retake link (for someone to add signature), however if I use embedded data to do this (Q_URL contains Q_R or DEL), whether by display logic or branching, then the back button disappears, which would be a big problem as the person wouldn't be able to go back and check what they're signing if they click too far ahead.
Is there any way around this, to keep the back button and only make the questions visible to retakes?? Thanks in advance!

I never tried this, so have no idea if it would work, but have you tried display logic based on whether the Q_R embedded data field is empty?

TomG wow that seems to have worked, thank you so much! I had to specify that Q_R is not empty in display logic for the relevant questions, and I added in DEL is not empty as well for good measure. Not sure why this works and my original Q_URL attempt didn't but very grateful for the suggestion!!

 TomG and display logic save the day once again! 🙌 and thank you for confirming the solution as well rrmamson!

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