collective answers - anonymous participants | XM Community
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collective answers - anonymous participants

  • 6 April 2021
  • 1 reply

I have a similar situation, except I will not have the participants' IDs in advance. We have a long survey where we believe in some cases, a person will not have all the information we are seeking and will want to share with a colleague - e.g. a person from HR will answer some questions, a person from Finance some others and a person from Supply chain another set (block) of questions. But we are going to distribute anonymously. I was hoping participants can share a link to an incomplete survey - in a way one can return to an incomplete survey and continue where they left off. But not sure if/how they can generate a link to an incomplete survey (from anonymous distribution). Is this possible or do we need to send personalized links?
Alternatively, I understand we could perhaps utilize a retake option if we setup action as described here:
Sharing an incomplete survey and submitting once complete is our preferred option.
Many thanks in advance.

How about creating dummy contacts in the XM directory and generating custom links for them.
This would allow both tracking the responses at different times, as the same link would be passed on and also authentication if required.

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