Counting number of blank responses in a block | XM Community
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Hi all,
I have a rather simple request that I'm not sure how to implement within Qualtrics.
I have several blocks for which I would like to create a variable or embedded data that counts the number of blank responses (skipped items) within that block.
For example, I'll have a block that displays a matrix question with 9 individual items. If a participant has skipped all of those questions (or was quota-d out at that point), I would like to filter them out.
I can do this by exporting the data in Excel by simply creating a COUNTBLANK column and then filtering out the participants where the number of blank responses (n=9) is equal to the number of items (n=9). I'd love to be able to do the same in the Data view in Qualtrics but can't see any way of achieving this.
Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

You can add a survey flow branch that checks if all the matrix answers have a count of zero. You could add an end of survey block under the branch to screen them out.

Thanks TomG, if I do this now I assume it will not apply to the existing responses I have. Is that correct?
An even simpler way of doing what I'm after would be to branch after each block and check if it is displayed or not. I can then set embeded data that tells me if someone didn't reach a particular block (since the five blocks are randomised, they could have left at any point).

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