Custom End of Survey Message + URL Redirect | XM Community
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I know how to make a custom end of survey message, and create a custom event redirecting the user to a URL at the end of the survey, but how to I do both?

I’m trying to present the user with a brand new, blank survey when they complete their current one, because they’re taking the survey multiple times for different operating rooms. 

I don’t want them to having to fish through their emails for the link at the end of each survey. 

So, my first thought was to include the link in the end of survey message. Unfortunately, it doesn’t display as a hyperlink, so they have to copy and paste. Not ideal.

My next thought was to redirect with a custom event, but this skips the end of survey message. I don’t want the EoSM skipped, because the user will get nervous without a confirmation that their answers were recorded.

Any ideas?



Unless I’m missing something in your scenario, you should be able to hyperlink any text in your End of Survey message. If you create the message in your Library, select your text and then click the “Link” button in the editor window. See the screen shot below.


Thanks Matthew.

It was a little tricky, because my end of survey window doesn’t have an option to switch to rich text, but I was able to find a rich text enabled window in the translation section, and that updated my link to a hyperlink. 



You can copy text and hyperlink on end of survey custom message html source option and then write JS their with the help of setTimeout() function to click the link after few seconds as per length of your end thank you note. So respondent can read and auto redirect to that hyperlink link without clicking on it.

You can copy text and hyperlink on end of survey custom message html source option and then write JS their with the help of setTimeout() function to click the link after few seconds as per length of your end thank you note. So respondent can read and auto redirect to that hyperlink link without clicking on it.

Hey Arun,


Can you share me a code to do this?

You can copy text and hyperlink on end of survey custom message html source option and then write JS their with the help of setTimeout() function to click the link after few seconds as per length of your end thank you note. So respondent can read and auto redirect to that hyperlink link without clicking on it.

Hey Arun,


Can you share me a code to do this?

Hey @jbk , I have something:

// Wait 1 second before redirecting
setTimeout(function() {
window.location.href = "";
}, 1000);

<p>This is the end of the survey. Thank you for participating!</p>

You gotta make sure you also edit the code in the translation.

If you want to redirect but to a new tab:

// Wait 1 second before opening the URL in a new tab
setTimeout(function() {"", "_blank");
}, 1000);


Perfect solution @JohannesCE .  Just what I was looking for 😀.

Firefox doesn’t like some links opening in the the same tab but it worked just fine once I changed it to open in a new tab.  Thank you.

This thread inspired what may be a simpler solution for those of us who would prefer to avoid dealing with JavaScript. 

Instead, I added my message to new block which displays the message I want and has a timing item that automatically advances the survey (in 4 seconds in my case) to the Custom Termination with the redirect URL.  

As long as participants don’t close the tab/window too quickly, this should work.

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