Delete embedded data or old questions | XM Community
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Hi there!
Is there a risk in deleting embedded data fields in a survey or questions that are definitely not relevant any more? In the past I always skipped questions or simply ignored the embedded data filed and did not use it in the dashboards if I did not need them anyomore but it is getting chaotic ;-):
Will it have any negative impact (in dashboard/ data)? Maybe if a respondent has started the survey with the ("old" version) and wants to continue weeks later? Does qualtrics raise an error because it does not now where to write the variable or does it simply ignore it?
Thank you very much!

Deleting Embedded data or questions will delete the past/ present (i.e. all) respective question/ embedded data.

Thank you!
So there won't be error messages/ problems with people who retake the survey (started with the old version) but only the old data/ variables will be gone (which is totally fine) and of course not be visible in the dashboards anymore. That's good!

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