Displaying tickbox dependent on previous selections and dropdown option to pipe data - multiple Qs | XM Community
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Displaying tickbox dependent on previous selections and dropdown option to pipe data - multiple Qs

  • March 16, 2021
  • 1 reply

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 21 replies

I've just asked another question here in relation to this question I'm building here (https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/15275/hiding-side-by-side-statements-pending-previous-statement-answer) although it's probably not as relevant to this question, though they obviously go together.
So, in addition to having one table as shown in my previous question to the Qualtrics Community, this question from our paper-based survey is actually being built using multiple questions in Qualtrics.
First, we ask participants to select the relevant days they travel in a previous question, as shown:
Q7_v2.JPGThen, based on whichever they tick, tables for each of the days are displayed, sequentially, for the participant to complete. There are two for each day - a "to work" and a "from work" table, as shown.
Q7_v2_2.JPGQ7_v2_3.JPGWe'd like to build in an additional question to include a tickbox which asks something like "Is this journey the same as a previous journey you've made?" and, if "Yes" is selected, the participant is prompted to select which of their previous journeys it was the same as. It would be ideal to then have Qualtrics pipe the answers from that previous question into the current question or, at least, if we know which journey was the same, we can do that on the backend at the data cleaning stage.
As mentioned, to display each of these tables, the participant has to select the day(s) from that earlier question which asks about the previous 7 days (so this could be Tuesday-Monday or Friday-Thursday etc, depending on when they're completing it) and only those selected days will display. At present, they will be built so that Monday is first, then Tuesday, then Wednesday etc. So, if they choose Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday for example, they will be asked to fill in the tables for Tuesday, then Wednesday and then Friday.
My questions are (in addition to my tickbox question above):

  • is there a way to make Qualtrics know which day they were completing the survey (i.e. Tuesday) to display those tables in the most relevant order? I'm not as hung up on this one but it's good to know.

  • Ideally though, it would be ideal if Qualtrics could know what day they were completing the survey so it knew which of those days was the start of the previous seven days for that participant (e.g. Monday) so then Tuesday's tables would not ask if those journeys were the same as a previous day's journeys as there would not be any previous day's journeys to choose from. Is that possible?

Many thanks for your thoughts!

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  • Author
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 21 replies
  • March 17, 2021

Actually, I've worked out how to do this with a series of questions using display logic, so please ignore this one!

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