Displaying Unique Text for Each Respondent | XM Community
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Hi! I have a list of usernames and I need to ensure that a unique username is displayed to each participant that begins the survey (no duplicates). Any ideas for how I might do this? Thank you so much in advance!

Hi @hannahsolheim. How large is the list and how do you distribute the survey? 

  • If it is only a short list of participants, you could set up different elements with a randomizer
  • If you have the chance to adjust the links as part of distribution, you could add some additional URL parameter to the link such as ?user=1 or ?user=2 and then define some embedded data field “user” in the survey flow. Use the embedded data then as piped text to personalize the text with the username.
  • If you invite with a mailing list, just define some embedded data “user” for each contact in the mailing list and give each contact a different value for it. In the survey flow, just define the embedded data “user” and use it to personalize the text with piped text.
  • If the format of the usernames is e.g. “Username1” and “Username”, then you may achieve it with quotes. Check this.


@hannahsolheim Besides the approaches mentioned in my other comment, you could also follow the approach below: 

  1. Create a multiple choice question at the start and add each username as option.


  2. Use advanced randomization to display 1 of the options and make sure to check “Evenly Present” so that each username is only used once.


  3. Select the one available option and hide the question with some JavaScript (code does not work with simple layout).
    // Get the question element and hide it
    var question = document.getElementById(this.questionId);
    question.style.display = 'none';

    // Find the available username element
    var liElement = question .querySelector('li.Selection');

    // Select the username element
    var radioInput = liElement.querySelector('inputttype="radio"]');
    if (radioInput) {
    radioInput.checked = true;
  4. Use piped text to choose the selected option from the multiple choice question in your text. 




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