Distribution report by link (with partials) | XM Community
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I have distributed a survey using a handful of links. Each link was created so we can later determine the source of the response (post A, blog B, newsletter C, etc.). None of the links were sent via Qualtrics. Note that I created each link type by manually appending different suffixes based on the source where the survey link would be posted.
Now, I'd like to know how I can view distribution summary by link/source. When I look at the distribution currently, it shows all sources as "anonymous link." Is there a way to easily show completes, dropouts, etc. by link/source? The only way I am able to do this now is by exporting the data and manually sorting it.
ALSO - is it possible to have partial responses included in the distribution, rather than just completes?
Thank you.

All the links used to query here are anonymous links. Hence, where it was deployed cannot be determined by just looking at the link or rather would be difficult. Thus, you can create an embedded data in survey flow which is used to query for e.g if in URL includes source=post is used. Create source as embedded data and it will be filled. You will be able to see this in data analysis of recorded responses/response in progress. The distribution channel will remain anonymous, but the embedded data will help you in sorting. Note: it won't happen retroactively.
You can go within survey options and set partial submissions to record after a desired time.

Hope this helps!

qualtrics1.JPGDeepak Thank you. I believe I have done what you suggested - when I add "Source" as embedded data, it shows me the tag I created (post, newsletter, etc.). But, it does not allow me to easily view this in a single chart. Either I see as a field column in the Data & Analysis tab, or it shows up as a list in Reports (see image). This unfortunately does not solve the problem, as it means still I need to export the data and create a table in Excel or SPSS to easily see the count coming from each source in one chart.
Do you know if there a way to make the Source variable a categorical field (rather than treated as an open end) so I could create a bar chart showing # of responses from each source in Reports?
Re: partial submissions - we prefer to keep these open for the duration of the the survey, as we often have folks come back to finish their response. However, we still want to count the number of partially complete surveys and chart them by source. Do you know if this is possible?

You can make the embedded data as a multi-value text from the options and if you are viewing this on the dashboard change the field type to a multi-value text set. That should allow you to show it as a bar chart.

P.S.: The image you are referring to is not visible or is not linked. But, I understood your query, and doing the above steps should solve it.
Hope it helps!

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/50666#Comment_50666I ended up using Text Set and that worked - thank you!

Another wonderful solution provided by Deepak! Thank you for confirming it works JSchuett1 - it will help our community users with similar use cases 🙂

Comment deleted.

That should not happen!!
If that's the case record the actual source in a text type embedded data and then push this value of embedded data to another embedded data which is a text set type. Also, map the second one on the dashboard, you can move the previous data to this new field as well easily. If it still doesn't work I would suggest raising to Qualtrics Support.
Hope it resolves the issue.

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