Feedback on our brand | XM Community
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Hi Guys,
Thanks in advance for your help. We have done a fair amount of branding work over the past two years and eager to obtain consumer feedback on our catalog and it reinforcing our brand attributes / descriptors?
We have a target profile of a consumer base that Qualtrics helps us find so that we can get feedback from consumers who are our target.
For our catalog, would you recommend providing a link and then let survey takers browse it...maybe with a task of looking for something and adding in a time minimum and max? Or would you just think it would be easter to provide jpegs of catalog pages?
Similar question for our website feedback....would you provide a link to our site and let them browse or provide screen shots for them to comment on....


Your prompts should depend upon your research question.
Lets take the example of the website, if your question is about the UX, then giving photos will not give you any answers, while for the UI, it may suffice. Furthermore, if you read the literature on e-SERVQUAL (Zeithaml et al., 2001), you'll see that visitors ascribe different levels of importance to different aspects of a website based on the category. So, for a banking website, categories/services may be less imporant, as people are willing to search for them, than an e-commerce website. Conversely, page load times appears to be extemely important for banking websites, as it is related to trust, while consumers maybe more forgiving to it for e-commerce portals.
Same holds for the catalog. Just to add a personal experience here, we were working on the launch of a new trimmer by a well known brand and while the product tested awesome in terms of its performance and looks, purchase intention was consistently low. After a few FGDs, it appeared that the vibration felt while using the product did not make it feel sturdy and hence, the respondents were not willing to pay the premium the brand commanded.
Therefore, I would recommend that you first finalize the variables you want to measure, then look at the presentation.

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