I have a weird thing happening. There are three questions in my survey that need to have a response in order to determine future branching logic (each at a different point/different blocks in the survey). Two of them are working properly and one is broken -- it is displaying the error state (red background and red-letter error message) immediately after the page loads rather than only showing that state if someone clicks Next without answering the question to meet the validation requirement. I’ve tried both force response and custom validation (where the validation requires any answer to be selected to continue) and the same thing is happening.
The one that is broken is a Multiple Choice, single answer allowed question. The answer choices are a grid of character names/images (images inserted using the Rich Content Editor, not Insert Image from the answer choice menu). The choices are displayed in column format, but I also tried shifting to vertical format and the error was still happening. It happens whether I use force resposne or custom validation. I tested adding other questions on the same page, checked to make sure there wasn’t any javascript to automatically click the next button, etc. and I can’t find anything. It wasn’t doing this when I launched the sutvey, it’s a new behavior.
I tried copying the required question into the previous block after a page break to see if there was maybo something winky with the specific block. When I did that, the questions dispayed correctly on load, but then got stuck in a loop. So: don’t make a choice and click next; displayes error message; select a choice and click next; reloads page with error and previously selcted choice still displaying.
I can’t think of any reason why this is happening. Can anyone think of a reason why this might be happening? Or if there’s a way to fix any version of it with js?