** update: the below applies to data exported in .csv from the Results tab - It just occurred to me that exporting raw .csv data from the data & analysis tab may be more GenAI friendly, but I don’t know **.
Starting a conversation here about experiences with GenAI analysis of qualtrics results data, what worked / did not work, etc. Scripts to translate into GenAI readable formats, any tips or tricks, learnings, suggestions for Qualtrics, etc. If there is already a thread on this, I couldn’t find it.
GenAI is very useful when doing an analysis of survey data to highlight key points in more complex surveys where using StatsIQ and TextIQ would take a ton of time and expertise, including translating in to English language statements / paragraphs, etc. Very sophisticated analysis, surfacing really impactful insights that would be hard to find otherwise
I have had varying results having ChatGPT or Anthropic’s Claude do an analysis of survey data downloaded in .csv format from the Qualtrics Results tab. If you can provide the data in a format GenAI can easily read the results are fantastic, As of right now Claude Anthropic pretty goed, ChatGPT not so much.
It would be great to do as little reformatting as possible, and LLMs would have a consistent interpertaton of the uploaded file, or even if one specific LLM would
. Anthropic Claude can read the .csv output with just a few formatting changes, ChatGPT a lot more complicated. It would be great if Qualtrics could output the .csv file in a way a GenAI provider could readily understand without a lot of reformatting.