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Hello all,
I am new to this software. I am analyzing the status of the logger and logging sector in east Texas. For that, I have to send the questionnaire to several people (>350) and I also need to track the progress of each one of them so that whoever does not give a response to my questionnaire, I can send them a reminder. I found two ways to do that: anonymous links or emails ( through this, I can send links to numerous people but I cannot track who has completed the questionnaire and who has not). Another way is through the personal link where I have to send the link one at a time. Does anyone know middle ways where I can track the progress and can also send emails to all respondents at a time?

Hello Pooja123
Qualtrics can track the progress of who hasn't answered your survey by itself and also has a reminder email functionality which can do the job for you. You need to just set the text and timing when you want it to send it. Reminder & Thank You Emails (
If this is a daily job try exploring Distribution Automation (

Hello Deepak,
Thank you for your response. I finally figure it out.

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