How do I allow participants in a survey to retake the survey with a new response? | XM Community
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Hi All, I am working on a three-part survey series but am running into a snag. I am sending this survey out over three "high times" during the semester. I have all of my participants in a contact list and have scheduled the survey to send them a reminder and thank you emails after each survey round.
I have just completed the first round and I am trying to make it so all of my participants can take the survey again. I can't change the link to multiple responses because I want it to send reminder and thank you emails.
The "retake as a new response" option seems like what I need in theory but is there a way to allow all of my participants to retake as a new response without having to click each individually? I have around 10,000 participants and so I can't go through each one individually. Since it is sending an email to all of the participants in one go, it all has to have the same link and not individual ones as well.
Does anyone know a solution to my problem?

Hello efarson ,
Sounds like a cool study you are conducting! My recommendation in this scenario would be to ensure that you have a unique identifier for each participant. Then, instead of trying to "retake as a new response", just copy the survey and resend a new survey to these participants. You can upload the exact same contact list, and resend a new survey. You can then tie the surveys together in dashboards by date (high time 1, high time 2, etc.). With this option you can also set up new reminders and thank you messages for each deployment.
Does this sound like it will work? What obstacles do you foresee?

Slight adjustment to the recommendation above - you can reuse the same survey, but resend a new distribution to the same contact list. This way, all your responses are in the same survey with no need to map multiple data sources in your dashboard. And you can just report on results based on response date.

InessaG when I resend the distribution, does it just update with a new link to the survey that was embedded or do I have to alter the embedded survey in the distribution so they can all take it again?

efarson - the platform treats this as a separate distribution so the links are different than the prior time you reach out to the same audience.

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