How to remove someone from a duplicate survey distribution? | XM Community
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I'm distributing surveys via survey distribution automations linked to contact import automations. Whenever a contact import automation runs, all contacts in the automation are added to a survey distribution that sends them a series of surveys over the next week.
We added someone to the uploaded contact list twice on two separate consecutive days; this in effect meant that they were added to two separate survey distribution lists and are getting duplicates of each survey.
Day 1: Survey A
Day 2: Survey A and Survey B
Day 3: Survey B and Survey C

Is there a way to remove them from one of the survey distributions so that they stop getting duplicate emails?

You can do it but it would be a manual approach. Firstly, have you added a delay between importing contacts and sending surveys, if not include that? As the automation creates a sample before sending out survey distribution.
You can find a sample with the automation id which gets scheduled. Once you have found remove that contact from the sample and he would not receive the survey.
Hope it helps!

Thank you Deepak. The first survey in each flow is sent immediately after importing contacts, but there is a delay of 1,2,3, and 4 days before sending subsequent surveys in each flow.
Manual is fine, but where are the samples each automation creates? I went to "Samples" under "Segments and Lists" and it say "You haven't created any samples yet".

You will find the samples in segments and lists tab only. The person who has the automation and list in his/her account only they will have the samples listed as per automation id.
Hope it helps!

Deepak The samples are not visible for the account that created the survey distribution automations.

Once the distribution is scheduled you will see the samples. Wait for it to get scheduled.
If it is not happening contact Qualtrics Support.
Hope it helps!

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