Hi, not sure if my question will make much sense but if anyone can come up with a solution please let me know.
I’m new to qualtrics and most stuff I have picked up as I've been making my survey but here's the one thing that's stumped me.
I have a block which has 21 questions and these questions are part of their own ‘groups’ (they're not grouped or anything in their blocks though, not sure if that's possible?)
group 1 has 5 questions which I want participants to see all of
group 2 has 8 questions and I want participants to see a random 5 of them
group 3 has 8 questions and I want participants to see a random 5 of them.
I have worked out the advanced randomisation tool, but of course if I put the 16 questions into the random subset part and told it to generate 10 questions it could end up generating 8 from group 2 and 2 from group 3
I would like the questions to be presented on the same page and randomly mixed up if possible.
Hope this makes sense, if anyone has a solution for this please let me know.