Loop and Merge, include a ID for a data item and export it? | XM Community
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Hi, I am using loop and merge for a section. This has 2 columns and 1 is a data row and other one is an identifier for each data row. I am piping the text from column1 for survey to show to anyone taking it and then the other row is hidden (I've set a logic to be false to hide it from anyone taking it).

  1. Is there a way to export the survey responses with the values of column2?

  2. If my method doesn't work, how do I go about making sure the export contains data item (column1 and column2), but column2 would be not visible to anyone taking the survey?

Thank you

You can save it to a text entry question in your loop using a default choice of ${lm://Field/2}. Then hide the question with JS:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

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