Manage ongoing study via automation | XM Community
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Hi XM Community!
New Qualtrics user here - I've done some tutorials and looking for guidance as to next topics to learn.
I need to help my team run a study requiring us to send surveys to participants. We will be adding participants on an ongoing basis. We will have an enrollment_date field for each participant. Each participant should get an email as soon as they are uploaded to Qualtrics plus an email with a survey link 1,2, and 3 weeks after the enrollment_date (all different surveys).
What is the best way to automate this to do the least work possible? Ideally we could just send a csv via API to Qualtrics of all new participants each day with their enrollment_date, and Qualtrics magic would take care of sending everyone the right emails at the right time.


You can use Qualtrics file service to send contacts daily via automation. Create 4 different segments based on your enrollment date condition of today, 1 week, 2week,3week. Run 4 survey distribution automation on these 4 different segments.
The only manual task is to send the CSV file and check if the segment is refreshed it does happen once in 24 hours so run your import automation and distribution automation accordingly.
You can learn more on the below links:
XM Directory SegmentsFile Import Sources for Contact Automations
Distribution AutomationHope it helps

Thank you so much!

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