Qualtrics survey link works on and off | XM Community
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I have been having issues with the link to my Qualtrics study, with it working seemingly on and off. Sometimes it only works on laptops, sometimes only on phones. I've tried all the usual tricks like trying the link on different browsers and turning off my VPN, but there is no pattern I can discern dictating whether the link works or not. Several people have let me know in the last few days that the link is not working. But it appears to be working now for me. I am very confused.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I honestly have no idea what is going on.  

It’s hard to determine the issue you are having without more info, are you using an anonymous link, or individualised links?  What error are users getting as well. Survey not loading, or a particular/different error message. 

It sounds like it might be one of the settings which prevents multiple completes, the following might help assuming your using an anonymous-link, rather than individual invites. Definitely review the settings of which ever method your using.


@hsafdar  Hm, this sounds like it may not be intended functionality. If you haven't already, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to handle an issue like this. 😁

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