Repeat a question to participants showing their previous responses and allow them to edit it | XM Community
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Hi everyone. I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to do the following and suggestions would be appreciated.


Essentially, I want to have a bipolar matrix asked before respondents are subjected to some sort of treatment. The respondents would fill out the matrix like the one below choosing their responses. 

For this example, let’s say they simply chose the right most bubble for each statement. 

Then the participants would be subjected to the treatment and asked to evaluate the same bipolar matrix again. However, I would really like for them to see the responses they selected prior to being subjected to the treatment. So instead of a blank matrix to refill out, it would look like this but they would be able to select new bubbles if their opinions had changed.

Is there a way to do this? I’ve been playing around with carry forward statements but it only shows the statements and I want the choices carried forward as well.

Hi saruzi,


You can easily do this through survey flow, keep this question in a separate block lets say Block1. Go to survey flow and call that block again wherever you want to show that question again.


They will see what they have selected initially and could change the answers. However you need to note that it will overwrite their original answers and what you will see in the data are their final answers selected at the last time they saw that question.

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