I need to be able to see for every participant exactly which questions they got right and wrong in a survey. I have been able to get a total score (total number correct) but I need to have Qualtrics export a Correct / Incorrect score for every question individually in the results. (I need to have this exact metric for our analysis)
EG If the correct answers to five questions are:
I need to see that someone who responds
B - wrong
A - wrong
A - correct
B - correct
A - correct
Total: 3
Is different from someone who responds
A - Correct
B - Correct
A - Correct
A - Wrong
B - Wrong
Total 3
I’m sure there must be a way to do this, but in multiple days of searching, and clicking through every option I can find, I cannot find any way to get this to show. What do I need to do?