I am a total Qualtrics newbie and was hoping someone could help me out of my despair.
I am trying to build a 2AFC task in which images are randomly presented to the participant. Before each image is shown, the participants should see a fixation cross for 250ms, followed by one of the randomised images that is presented for 300ms. Only after one image has been presented does the participant get the see the question for 3sec.
I thought I might use the loop & merge function, but I am running into multiple issues:
- When I insert the image HTMLs/URLs in field 1 (only the images, so no fixation cross yet), I actually cannot see any images when I preview the block. I've tried several things, such as putting the piped field1 in a HTML img tag (
) in the HTML text view, but also in the normal text view. Or using either URLs or HTMLs in field 1 of the loop & merge function. Nothing seems to work :(. I've attached an image of my current field 1.
- How to repeat a fixation cross before each randomised image and repeat the same question after each image, both only for a certain amount of time?
Any assistance is would really be appreciated! Thanks!