Strange duplication of embedded data field | XM Community
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A very strange thing that happens… someone also had the same?

When using the workflow survey distribution which saves the embedded data and then distribute the survey some of the embedded data fields are duplicated to the same line. 

For example: intead of Partner = Yes, I get Partner = YesYes or NoNo as in the image.

All of this is part of the codes of JS that is running prior to this task, but there everything is fine, and I had the same issue when not using this code, but running the survey distribution task based on email and data customers put as input in a survey… any idea what is influencing the duplication?? ​@TomG  maybe you saw this once?


The only time I’ve seen this is when a field is piped twice (e.g., ${e://Field/field1}${e://Field/field1}). It is easy to do since you can’t see the whole string.

Thanks, I checked it and already deleted and used again the piped text and it seems it is written only once 😞 But I will redo it all again just in case. 

Thanks ​@TomG !!

WOW!! you are correct. When I copy pasted it to a notepad it was duplication. You rock ​@TomG 

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