Struggling with 'slider' and 'piped text' | XM Community
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Hi all,
The question type is a slider, and I am struggling with getting the value selected on the slider transferred to enter right after "You chose to give: ..." (please have a look at the attached picture).
I used 'piped text' and selected the displayed choices option, but the response does not appear, unfortunately.
I really hope someone can guide me/help me out! Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 16.38.51.png

You should use the "Click to write choice 1" or rather this one
image.pngThe code snippet looks like this for me: ${q://QID12/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/4}
All the best

Matthew thanks! I would still like to include the value on the same page. It doesn't seem like this is an option?

Such that it enters on the same page:

Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 17.35.16.png you select "Show Value" out to the left, it should come up out to the side of your Slider.

I know that, thanks. But I need it also to show below in a text...

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