Using a side-by-side question where one column is exclusive row-wise | XM Community
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Using a side-by-side question where one column is exclusive row-wise

  • June 5, 2021
  • 1 reply

  • Level 1 ●
  • 12 replies

Hi there,
I am currently faced with the following problem:
I would like to set up a question where I ask for the share of something (5 different items). Participants shall either put in the share or also have the possibility to select "Prefer not to say".
So far, I came up with a side-by-side question. For the first column, I have one open-ended text column (headlined with "%") in which the participant can simply put in the share. I added a second column with likert single selection (i.e., radio buttons) headlined "Prefer not to say". My idea was, that if someone enters a number in the first column, this value will automatically be erased if he selects the radio button in the same row. On the other side, if the radio button is selected and the participant starts entering something in the text field, the button will automatically be deselected. Actually, each answer per row should be mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, I am afraid that this requires some advanced JavaScript coding, and I really just know the very basics :-/
Is someone here with some advice?
Here is a picture of how it currently looks like:
Qualtrics pic.png
Best regards an have a wonderful weekend :-)

1 reply

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1449 replies
  • June 5, 2021

Make Prefer not to say column as multiple select i.e checkbox. Add an input event on textbox and uncheck the respective row checkbox. Similarly, add a checkbox change event i.e. if checked then make the respective row textbox empty.

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