Utms passing through depending on the platform? | XM Community
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I am having difficulty having utms pass through depending on the platform that the survey is placed on.
For example, I run ads on both Facebook and TikTok. However, only the Facebook utms populate (clarification: the TikTok survey is a duplicate of the Facebook one).
I have confirmed with Qualtrics that the utms were set up correctly on the platform (via Survey Flow) AND that the utms have been set up correctly via the social platform (in this case, TikTok).
In addition, some utms show through via the Referer tag (see image), causing more confusion.
Would love any suggestions/if someone has been here before. Thanks!
Qualtrics help 04122022.jpg

Gworks If you haven't already, I’d recommend reviewing this support page on query strings to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support pages, you'll want to reach out to the  Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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