Why can I not see the heatmap results in the results tab for heatmap questions? | XM Community

Why can I not see the heatmap results in the results tab for heatmap questions?

  • 22 September 2022
  • 3 replies


I have a survey that contains two blocks with heatmap questions. For the first block, in the results tab, I can see the heatmap visual results and a count data table for how many people clicked each of my regions; whereas, for my second block, I can only see the count data (i.e. I cannot see the heatmap visual). From what I can see, there is no differences between the options clicked for the heatmap questions for each block. Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it?

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +19

First, I would make sure that both questions are set up as heat maps. Hot spot questions look and behave very similarly, but hot spots don't have the same visual option in the report.
I'm sure you tried clicking the button to "Add visualization" in your Results tab. Does that add the heat map visual back in?
Can you send a screenshot of what you're seeing in your Results tab? (you can blur or crop out the actual data part if you want to - I'm mostly interested in seeing the right hand pane that appears when you have the heat map question / data table selected)


Thanks for the response. I have double-checked that they are both heat map questions. That is the case. I also tried the add visualization, but the heat map is not an option. I have attached both screenshots for what the same image data for each question looks like below.
If you have any other tricks, that would be helpful!
Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 8.42.55 AM.pngScreen Shot 2022-09-23 at 8.43.22 AM.png

Userlevel 4
Badge +19

Sorry for the delay. Thanks for sending the screenshots! That is super weird. It looks like the data source for B_O1 and B_02 are both the "Regions." That doesn't seem right; I don't know why you'd have a duplicated data source...
At the very top of your report tab, can you create a new custom page, add a visualization to that, and look for a different data source for the B_01 variable (one that is NOT labeled "Regions")?

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