Adding Not Applicable option | XM Community
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Greetings All... I am developing a survey in which I ask a question which requires a text entry, however, not all respondents will need to answer this question, so instead of they leaving it blank I would love to give them the option to select 'not applicable'. Is there a way to do this in qualtrics?
Hi Innovate_jan,

You can achieve by this adding another multi choice question with single option. However, the catch will be to ensure only one question is responded. You might need to use a custom java script to achieve it.

Other way will be creating multi choice with two options i.e. open end and Not applicable (Make exclusive). In the open end option you can increase size of the box if it is required. Here the catch will be that you will see checkbox options.

Hope this helps.


You can do in-page display logic to "hide" the open ended feedback box if someone selects "N/A" from a separate question. You can put the question above or below the open ended question, but it needs to be on the same page (i.e. no page break between them). Then create display logic for the open-ended question that reads "display if "N/A" is NOT selected" and check the In Page box.

Note - even though the N/A question will only have 1 choice (N/A), you should make the question "Multiple Select" so that they can un-click "N/A" if needed.
Thanks @Akdashboard and @Bhushan.. Adding a multiple choice option before and then using display logic worked.

Greetings All... Do you know how can add the not applicable on the Matrix table? I have 4 statements with 5 scale point but I'd like to add not applicable as additional point but this point doesn't must to be sumarized on the result. Is this possible?
Thank you in advance!

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