Allowing back buttons with embedded data between blocks | XM Community
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Is there any way to allow using the back butoon when I have embedded data between blocks? I must have the embedded data at the end of each block, because I have a test with several sub-topics, each topic in a page, and at the end of the page the user gets the results of the scoring ("You answered 4 questions correctly..") - I want to have this spearate for each section, so I need to store the current scoring number in a variable, and then substract it in the next block report. So I'm using embedded data that store the socring result minus the previous blocks soting results. But I really want to use the back buttons so that users would be able to navigate between sub-sections... Is there anyway to bypass this limitation?

Hello @yinbar ,

You can set the embedded data using js on the last question of every block, using following syntax:

`Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( 'EmbeddedData', EmbeddedDataValue );`

But make sure you have all embedded data declared first in the survey flow

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