Asking a one-question survey as an inline email question, how to automatically register as complete? | XM Community
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I have a single survey question that I want to get a quick response from and so I thought I'd include it as an inline email question, so that recipients can respond to the survey with a single click.

However, doing so still requires the user to click the forward arrow to finalise their response to the question and thus complete the survey - not a huge issue but it does remove the simplicity of having a one-click response.

Is there a way to get the survey to continue to the next page (the survey completion screen) as soon as the answer is selected, rather than the user having to press next?

Thanks in advance!
You can add this code to the Onload Javascript area and it will automatically advance


var that = this;

> @bstrahin said:

> You can add this code to the Onload Javascript area and it will automatically advance


> this.hideNextButton();

> var that = this;

> (function(){that.clickNextButton();}).delay(0);


Works a treat; thanks a lot!
> @bstrahin said:

> You can add this code to the Onload Javascript area and it will automatically advance


> this.hideNextButton();

> var that = this;

> (function(){that.clickNextButton();}).delay(0);


This worked perfectly 🙂 Thank you so much!

Just as a side note for others like me, check out this support article for where to put this code: Qualtrics Support - Add JavaScript

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