create randomisation within the condition | XM Community
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Hi, I hope this is the right section for asking this. I am using Qualtrics for a research that I have been conducting for my thesis, but I really don't know how to start. I have to create a survey where the participants are randomly directed to one of three conditions (one control, two experimental) and in each condition the participant should receive randomly two statements from two different pools (that to be honest I don't know how to create). I have already divided all the statements I need, 40 for each condition (20-20 control/20-20 experimental/20-20 experimental). How can I be sure that once the participant is assigned to one the conditions he will receive randomly and non consequentially the two statements from the two different pools?

I hope it's clear for someone what I am trying to say! 😃

Thank you in advance
I don't fully understand your exact setup here, but I think you should be able to do all of this using a combination of survey flow and question randomization.

First, in the Survey Flow, use a Randomizer to assign the participant to one of the three conditions using the same embedded data field. Ex: condition=control, condition=exp1, or condition=exp2,

Then set up separate branches for each of these conditions:

Ex: Branch if embedded data "condition" = control

another branch where embedded data "condition" = exp1

and another branch where embedded data "condition" = exp2

Within each branch, have 2 blocks, one for each of the 20 question "pools"

Save the survey flow and go back to the survey editor.

Within each of the 20 question pool blocks, click on "block options" then "question randomization", then click the option for "Present only ___ of total questions" and type in 1 there.

If i understood your request correctly, thenn you should be good to go!

Each person will be assigned to 1 of the 3 conditions, and will get 2 questions, 1 from each of the 2 pools assigned to that condition.
I found the support page to help you understand how randomization works:

But in summary, you will want to rely heavily on the survey flow. First Create your 3 conditions and randomly assign your participants to one of those three conditions. Then part of the flow under each one of the three conditions, if that question from that Condition Block is displayed, then randomly show statements.

Here it is half-built-out for demonstration purposes:

Thanks @jackie_tremblay and @kate for the reply. they are really helpful! In this case how can I be sure that the participant will receive a random sequence of 2 statements from one pool and 2 from the other one? Can I randomise the order itself?

thank you in advance 😃
Yes, @Doda! The other randomization that @jackie_tremblay mentioned, Question Randomization, will help you with that:

There's also a way to randomize choices if you need:

Randomization can happen at any level you need 🙂 Just remember to run some test responses to make sure that all flows are actually open before you launch. This automation of tests can help:
yes use the "Question Randomization" option within block options in the survey editor to randomly show however many questions you want from each pool
Thank you @Kate!! I will start working on it 😃
Thanks @jackie_tremblay. I will look into that and start my survey then 😃

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