Decrement Quotas When Retaking Survey | XM Community
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I created a scheduling survey for employees to set their schedules for the semester. After they finish the survey, they receive an email with a copy of their response and a link that will allow them to retake the survey to change their selected shifts. Each shift has a quota. I realized that when someone retakes the survey and removes a shift, the associated quota is not decremented. Is there any way to decrement quotas automatically so I don't have to constantly view reports and manually adjust the quota count?
@VTSquirrel Well, on the support page they say:

> You can send the respondent a retake link to allow them to change the response. This will increment the quota for the new response so other people can’t select it, but it won’t decrement the old response, so no one will be able to choose the new response. This means you have to edit one quota.If you choose to response edit, the new response’s quota won’t be incremented, and the old quota won’t be decremented. This means you have to edit two quotas.

So I wonder if there is some custom code that can help in this case
Quota count will always be going to increment, there is no out of box feature to decrement the quota count (unless doing it manually).

You will have to create a separate quota / embedded data for retake link which will help in getting you the correct number for "how many of them have de-select the shifts" and then at the end of the day, by looking into the new quota / embedded data value, you will have to adjust the Quota count accordingly.

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