How to repeat my few time-use questions many times so to build-up a time-use diary? | XM Community
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Hi everybody, I am newbie and I am currently attempting to build-up a survey in the form of a time-use diary of the everyday activities of my respondents. This means that I need to ask them a few questions (What activity were you doing at 7 a.m.? until which time did you do that activity? with whom? where were you?) many times, until they have covered the entire day. Anyway, every time I ask again "what activity ere you doing at *...* ?" I insert, via piped text, the time they put at the previous "until which time did you do *previous activity*?", so that I cannot just duplicate my first block many times, I would need an algorithm to imitate the first block way of working in all the following ones. Does anyone have a suggestion about how to achieve my aim?

Thank a lot in advance!
Please check this page it might be helpful:
Hi @C882! I would also recommend taking a look at this page about our Loop & Merge feature! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our Support Team!

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