Inconsistent results using Embedded Data in Display Logic | XM Community
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Before I ask Support to look into this, I thought I'd see if anyone in the user Community has had the following unusual experience. I'm building two similar surveys, and both have pages where there are 9 or so Descriptive Text objects, only one of which applies to any respondent, and one universal question to answer on that page. I'm using Embedded Data in Display Logic to show the Descriptive Text object that applies to each respondent. Although the setup is similar, the respondent experience is inconsistent between the two surveys; in Survey A, the question appears on the same page as the Descriptive Text object, but in Survey B Qualtrics is inserting a page break so the question appears all by itself on the next page. I know there are probably workarounds to get the end result I'm trying to achieve, but I can't figure out why two surveys set up the same way would behave differently.
Hi @MatthewM the simplest explanation I can think of is the "In Page" setting in your display logic. If you open your display logic up, you should see the "In Page" checkbox at the bottom. Selecting it would remove the page break. I'd love to know if that solves it!
Thanks for the suggestion, @ClairJ! If I were using another Question in the logic, that would work. But when the "In Page" setting is applied, the Embedded Data option goes away; you can only use logic stemming from a Question.
~~Drats! I think I may have a workaround for you. Since the descriptive text is based on the embedded data, could you set your logic based on whether the descriptive text is displayed? It looks like this is an option...~~

Nevermind...just processed a little more. That won't work. Sorry!
Support looked at the two surveys and found that one had a questions per page limit set at 5, while the other had no limit, thus causing the inconsistency I noticed.

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