Is there a way to see how many survey respondants accessed my survey via mobile or on a desk-top? | XM Community
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I've noticed that some of my colleagues are not utilizing mobile-friendly features, and would like to give them real data on how our population accesses surveys.
Add a "Meta Info Question" to the beginning of your surveys.
Thanks, that's very useful! I see that gives me several fields of browser meta info to parse out.

Is it the screen resolution information that will tell me if they are access on their cell phones?

Add device type variable.
> @Taylor said:

> Thanks, that's very useful! I see that gives me several fields of browser meta info to parse out.


> Is it the screen resolution information that will tell me if they are access on their cell phones?


Primarily by the Operating System, but secondarily by Screen Resolution for Android devices (phones vs. tablets).
You can do this by setting embedded variable using user info.

If devicetype = mobile punch variable mobile=1

If devicetype not equal to mobile punch it 2.

Later use it for frequency.

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