Issue with inline question being answered by Outlook | XM Community
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Issue with inline question being answered by Outlook

  • September 24, 2019
  • 3 replies

Hey All,
I'm having an issue with my inline question. We are getting survey responses with only one question answered and none other shown to the participant. When querying this with Qualtrics, they advised it was likely due to outlook 'Safelinks' being enabled which automatically opens up a link to test it (the link being our first answer option).

They've suggested turning inline questions off or partial reponses, but I wanted to see if anyone has either:
a) Come across this issue themselves
b) Has a better fix

We really want to keep the inline question as it's increased response rates, and we would ideally not like to remove partial completions as we don't want to lose this data when it's genuine.

Hoping someone has a hot tip 🙂

Best answer by JenCX

We have experienced this and our best practice is to not use partial responses.

In the past, we excluded just those who answer the first question only or who only spend a very short (to capture automated responses) time on the survey. However, we found we were getting a complicated list of exceptions that we were making on assumptions and ultimately decided not to use partials.

If you do want to continue using partials, one workaround I can imagine is having your inline question alone in a block. After the block, use branch logic to set an embedded data variable (maybe 'GI' for good incomplete) and then filter your data set at the end by that.
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  • September 24, 2019
We have experienced this and our best practice is to not use partial responses.

In the past, we excluded just those who answer the first question only or who only spend a very short (to capture automated responses) time on the survey. However, we found we were getting a complicated list of exceptions that we were making on assumptions and ultimately decided not to use partials.

If you do want to continue using partials, one workaround I can imagine is having your inline question alone in a block. After the block, use branch logic to set an embedded data variable (maybe 'GI' for good incomplete) and then filter your data set at the end by that.

Hi Emily,

we are currently running a fieldwork using inline question and we experienced the same problem.
What enabled us to pass this issue is a small 'trick':
-create an embedded data called 'Q1', for instance
-once you created your mail with inline question, go to the html view;
-change the links you find inside each response button with an anonymous link built this way:
yoursurveyanonymouslink?Q1=label1 (e.g. not satisfied), for the second button yoursurveyanonymouslink?Q1=label2, etc.
-now you can hide the Q1 question for the respondents coming from inline question (setting a display logic as 'not to display if embedded data 'Q1' is not empty')

Hope this could help you


  • 2 replies
  • September 9, 2021 this work with unique or individual links? Or would it only work as anonymous? Ours is distributed from a dynamic list built by API and recorded to contacts within our CRM. So maintaining individual responses is a need.

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