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I have a two-component evaluation survey, which I have divided into two separate Qualtrics surveys. Part 1 is only completed once per "site", while Part 2 can be completed up to 10 times per "site".

My issue is that I would like to be able to link these two components for each "site" in a report to give back to the respondent. The constraints are that it would be too time-consuming and difficult to send out individual survey links, respondents may be completing these two components for multiple sites, and I'd prefer not to burden the respondents with completing the site information data multiple times. The site name field is also a text field, so I cannot easily filter using this variable in Reports. I thought about having each site come up with their own "site id", but we have had issues with that in the past and it would still make it challenging to filter by an open-ended response question such as that.

Is there any other way to easily link or carry in embedded data from one survey to another so that I can link the surveys?

Thanks for any suggestions!

2 replies

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 218 replies
  • January 6, 2020
Hi @Liz2006 is it possible to change your site name field to be multiple choice, so respondents select from a dropdown? That would make the filtering a lot easier. Another idea might be to combine these into one survey, and just have the respondent indicate through a multiple choice question which type of evaluation they are filling out for the site.

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  • 5 replies
  • January 6, 2020
Hi ClairJ - Thanks for your response. The site name field cannot be a drop down because we have potentially thousand of sites and they can change year to year. Therefore, it would not be feasible to do this, but I did explore that option in the past.

I did originally have both surveys in one, with a loop and merge for the second part (since this part could be completed up to 10 times per site), but it created all kinds of issues with how we are aggregating the report and our scoring system. I had created multiple formulas, embedded data, etc. to try to make it work, but it became unmanageable and others in my office are not familiar enough with Qualtrics to take it over once I'm not longer there.

We also found that data would just disappear in the report and think that might have been due to some glitch from the embedded data, which we were never able to resolve with Qualtrics.

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