Math Operations | XM Community
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I'm doing a Math operations and storing it in an Embedded Data using below code...

$e{ ( e://Field/CSO_Score / 15 ) * 100 }

However, I also want the above operation to give me a rounded value.

I tried to use the below code however it is giving an invalid expression

$e{ round ( ( e://Field/CSO_Score / 15 ) * 100 , 0 ) }

I'm definitely missing some thing. Any inputs / suggestion?
Can you remove the space after "round" and try?

Also just wanted to check, are you getting the value for $e{ ( e://Field/CSO_Score / 15 ) * 100 } correctly?
Thanks Mohammedali!

It worked - and yes I'm getting the value for the math operation correctly. Thanks for checking!

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