Pending Surveys | XM Community
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Hi There,

Not sure if this is the right venue but we have pending surveys under "responses in progress". This is the first time that it had so many pending responses (total of 13) and we are not sure if this is an issue or its just that our customer hasn't finish it yet.

Hoping for some feedback with qualtrics community. Appreciate much. Thank you!
@Eds if you just sent an invite or a reminder email this would make sense that they are in the progress of taking it. Some things you can look at on the in progress page to start answering your own question of it something went wrong

* Are they all stopped at the same percent complete?

* Is their last activity timestamp all the same or generally around the same time?

* When you click on Survey Session ID to view their response so far did they seem to get hung up at the same spot?

* Do they need a reminder to keep going (eg what is the gap between their start time and last activity, has it been a few days or just a few minutes)?
@bstrahin thank you for the response. Please see answers inline:

o Are they all stopped at the same percent complete? - yes, at 0% progress rate

o Is their last activity timestamp all the same or generally around the same time? – Same time.

o When you click on Survey Session ID to view their response so far did they seem to get hung up at the same spot? - yes all the same spot

o Do they need a reminder to keep going (eg what is the gap between their start time and last activity, has it been a few days or just a few minutes)? - Start and Last activity time were all exactly the same. No gaps at all.
@Eds it does sound like there is some sort of issue that they can't move forward. It is interesting that so many would click to take it an stop out without advancing past the first screen.

Are you leading with a sensitive question? That may make them not want to participate.

If I were you I would download their personal links and open them to see if anything funny is happening on the first screen. I would then put in dummy data on the first screen and see if you can get it to advance. Once you get the screen to advance you can exit the survey, go to data and analysis and delete the response. You would then send them their individual link again with a personalized message and invite them to contact you directly if they are having issues.

If in that testing you find an issue that you need to fix, you will have to regenerate their personal links so that you know Qualtrics is pointing to the newest version of the survey.

If you put in a metadata question in the beginning of your survey it might be good to see if they were all on the same browser or device that seems to be causing a problem.

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