Piped text in report charts? | XM Community
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I have piped text into the title text above a chart to show the number of responses to the question. However, I have a series of stacked bars in one chart that each may have a different number of responses. Is there a way to pipe the number of responses into each of the axis labels? (For example, Roses n=X and Irises n=X.)
Hi DSGrim, The only possible way I can see is you have to manually add the no of responses into each of the axis labels. However, to help you in a better way would it be possible for you to share the screenshot of what you are envisioning.
Hey @Eesh! Be sure to tag users using @ so they get notified!
@Eesh ,

Thanks for the response, but I was really hoping to pipe in the numbers so that the report would update if more survey responses occur. Another possibility would be if I could place little text boxes with the respondent count to one side of the chart, but I haven't found a way to place visualizations side by side, although the documentation appears to suggest that is possible.

Well, the second option seems possible. Would it be possible for your to share the screenshot, if possible? It would help me to explore how best we can tweak the widget as per your requirement.
@Eesh ,

Here is a jpeg of one of the charts.


I was thinking a text box to the right of each bar could hold the text (n=x) with the x being piped in.

Thanks for sharing screenshot. Have further explored and checked with the team, it seems we can't pipe in text to display dynamic scores in the charts. Since bar charts are visual representation of data so it is static in nature. Look forward to support you in another case.

So putting little text boxes to the right of the chart can't be done either?

No, I am afraid. It is not possible.
@Eesh ,

OK, thanks for all the time and thought you put into it.

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