Search free text responses for proper names | XM Community
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We have more than 15,000 free text comments from our NPS survey respondents, growing by 500+ comments a week. Many of those comments mention individual staff by name - usually in a flattering way, but sometimes in a very derogatory way. We edit the latter to remove the staff name, but we also want to mine the positive comments for staff mentions so we can recognise/reward those staff. It happens informally at the frontline of care (we're a hospital group) but we also want to send a shout out from head office every now and then.

Does anyone know if there is a way to do this? For example, to search for terms which begin with a capital letter - that wouldn't capture all of the relevant comments but it would find most.
You can try and flag responses that contain the names with an embedded data code for asessment.

You can use the survey flow to assign a value to potential areas- maybe use Regular expressions to either list staff names, or create rules for staff names.


It's not very automatic, it still requires a human to filter and decide what's going on. But it at least gives you something to filter for and monitor.

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