Setting Up Complicated Branch Logic | XM Community
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I need to introduce three similar branches (each showing a different product and set of prices) and show each respondent just one of the branches. I also need to control the quotas on each branch so that the each branch is shown an equal number of times and has a subsample of 50% male, 50% female. How could I set this up?
This answer assumes the following:

* You have male/female information set previously in your survey or in embedded data

* You have set Male and Female quotas with equal maximum counts

Branch 1: If the male quota has not yet been met and the respondent is male

* randomize 3 blocks, displaying only one, evenly presented

Branch 2: If the female quota has not yet been met and the respondent is female

* randomize 3 blocks, displaying only one, evenly presented

@lillianc - Is there a way to guarantee the 50/50 split at the block level?

Or is it safe to assume with the randomizer at a gender level that it'll fall out evenly across genders?
@RachelTHREE This will garuntee a 50/50 split of genders in your sample, and a roughly even split of the 3 blocks among each gender. By checking "Evenly present elements" you will get this split per randomizer. If you are concerned about it being dead set, you could also add a quota per gender, per block, and check the gender/block quota isn't full before placing a respondent.
@AnthonyR Ok great - thanks so much for that!

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