✏️ Quotas | Getting Started Mondays | March 20th 2023 | XM Community
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✏️ Quotas | Getting Started Mondays | March 20th 2023

✏️ Quotas | Getting Started Mondays | March 20th 2023
Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies

What is Getting Started Mondays?


Every Monday we will highlight a Core XM feature, and the post will include a description of the chosen topic, a support page, and related community content. The goal of this weekly series is to help users find support pages or community posts that relate to the topic. Remember to always contact Qualtrics Support for product-related issues or urgent questions.


Getting Started Mondays | March 20th 2023


Topic: Quotas


After calculating the necessary sample size for a project, in order to accurately represent the chosen population, the sample size needs to be partitioned into different subgroups that make up the entire population. 


You can use survey quotas to set specific targets for each demographic group in your survey and ensure that you gather only the exact amount of data required for your study. With simple logic quotas, the count will be incremented each time a respondent meets the conditions you have set. With cross-logic quotas, you use percentages to define how respondents are distributed in your quota and it will calculate the number of respondents needed to reach your criteria.


Quotas have a variety of different uses that include limiting total responses to a survey and even creating a public quota dashboard to view the current demographic spread of your respondents. Learn how to use quotas to accurately and reliably represent your desired population today!


Where to find this feature:

  1. In the Survey tab, click Survey options.
  2. Select Quotas.

Support Page Links: Quotas

Community Post Links

Question of the Day: How often do you use quotas? What is the most common quota you use?

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