Java code to display constant sum answers from a previous question to another | XM Community
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Java code to display constant sum answers from a previous question to another

  • November 30, 2021
  • 2 replies


Hi there,
I'm very new to Qualtrics and would love some help on my query.
Within my survey I have two questions.
Question 1 (Q8) - the respondent will provide a % split of what pharmaceutical products they are currently
Question 2 (Q26) - the respondent will provide a % split of what pharmaceutical products they will be using if our clients product was available.
In question two I want to display the constant sum values from question 1 that the respondent typed in so that they can compare when they are answering question two.
Is there a way that this can be done? Please see the images attached it will help with the context.
Thanks in advance 🙂
4L Quant.PNG4L Quant TPP.PNG

2 replies

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 114 replies
  • December 1, 2021

Hi C_Spencer,
if I understand you correctly, you want to display the answers of Q8 in the second column of Q26, correct?
If yes, you should be able to simply use the "Default answers" option of Q26 to prepopulate the boxes of the second column with the respective answers from Q8.

Best regards,

  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • December 1, 2021

ManfredBM thankyou so much for your fast and insightful response, it's greatly appreciated 👍️

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