Hello everyone!
I've inherited a survey that has some custom JS meant to capture respondent timezone, but it works inconsistently and doesn't capture it for everyone. I know next to nothing about JS, and was wondering if anyone can see where the issue might lie:
// Capturing respondent's time zone
function waitForElement(){
if(typeof moment !== "undefined"){
setEmbeddedTimezone("timezone", "timezone_abbrev");
setTimeout(waitForElement, 250);
function setEmbeddedTimezone(tzEmbed, abrEmbed){
if ((tzEmbed === null || tzEmbed === undefined) || (abrEmbed === null || abrEmbed === undefined)){
console.log("No Embedded Data fields provided.")
var timezone = moment.tz.guess();
if (timezone === null || timezone === undefined){
console.log("Unable to retrieve timezone");
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData(tzEmbed, timezone);
var date = new Date();
var timestamp = date.getTime();
var abbr = moment.tz.zone(timezone).abbr(timestamp);
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData(abrEmbed, abbr);
How can I capture survey respondents timezone as embedded data?
Best answer by bgooldfed
Hi tscott,
Do you get the same result if you use Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone? A quick look at the documentation for Moment suggests that guess() first uses this command, and if it fails it attempts to guess by calculating the difference in offset. resolveOptions().timeZone works in over 90% of browsers, so unless you're targeting old browsers it should work fine.
If that still fails, try using moment.tz.guess(true) to clear its cache. Again, from the documentation:
"By default Moment Timezone caches the detected timezone. This means that subsequent calls to
moment.tz.guess()will always return the same value.
You can call
moment.tz.guess()with an optional boolean argument "ignoreCache". If set to true, the cache will be ignored and overwritten with the new value."
Good luck!
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