How to change the text displayed in the progress bar? | XM Community
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How to change the text displayed in the progress bar?

Currently there is "Survey completion" displayed. In German "Umfragenfortschritt". Can I change this text?

Best answer by GrayMatterThinking

You could do this with JavaScript. Assuming you have the Progress Bar turned on with verbose text then to replace the Survey Completion text go to your survey Look & Feel. Go to General and in Header switch to html and input the following: <script> jQuery("table.ProgressBarContainer tbody tr td:eq(0) label").text("Umfragenfortschritt"); </script>
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Level 2 ●●
You could do this with JavaScript. Assuming you have the Progress Bar turned on with verbose text then to replace the Survey Completion text go to your survey Look & Feel. Go to General and in Header switch to html and input the following: <script> jQuery("table.ProgressBarContainer tbody tr td:eq(0) label").text("Umfragenfortschritt"); </script>

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  • 2 replies
  • July 10, 2019
Thanks this works. Is it also possible to change it only for a certain language? Like if I want to change only the German text (without affecting the english text).

Level 2 ●●
Ah - sorry, misunderstood the initial question and thought that a translation hadn't been included for the progress bar. I see now that it has but you want to change the default text whatever language it may be in. There may be a better way to do this but you could always adapt the code to check the initial value and then based on what it returns then you can update the text. Try this: <script> var ProgressLabelTxt = jQuery("table.ProgressBarContainer tbody tr td:eq(0) label").text(); if (ProgressLabelTxt == "Survey Completion") { jQuery("table.ProgressBarContainer tbody tr td:eq(0) label").text("New English Text"); } else if (ProgressLabelTxt == "Umfragenfortschritt") { jQuery("table.ProgressBarContainer tbody tr td:eq(0) label").text("New German Text"); } </script>

  • Level 2 ●●
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  • September 13, 2023

Unfortunately this isn’t working for me - I suspect that Qualtrics has changed the container name. Is there anywhere we can look up what the container name and JS functions for the progress bar are? Thank you!

  • 6 replies
  • November 12, 2024
Robert wrote:

Thanks this works. Is it also possible to change it only for a certain language? Like if I want to change only the German text (without affecting the english text).

Don’t we have a solution for this after 5 years?

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