A way to carry forward from one multiple choice question to individual follow-ups per selection? | XM Community
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A way to carry forward from one multiple choice question to individual follow-ups per selection?

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 41 replies

Hi. I'd like to find a way to do something like this...
Multiple choice multi-select question: Which of these movies have you seen? a. movie 1, b. movie 2, c. movie 3, etc. There is a list of 80 total movies, of which each participant will be shown a random 20 to choose from.
Then, for each of the movies they selected, I want to ask them what they liked or disliked in a multiline text entry.
Any thoughts?
Things I've already considered:

  • Instead of separate questions, I could use a side by side for question 1 to get the feedback while they're making the selections. That would be ideal! Except that the only text box size available is tiny, not big enough for someone to be able to see what they're writing.

  • Create and individual follow-up question for each possible selection on the next page and use display logic to only show the ones tied to a selection in the multiple choice question. Seems reliable, but tedious, and forces an extra page to survey because user would need to submit answers from the multiple choice question before the display logic could kick in.

I'm kind of guessing that that last one is what people will say I should do, but thought I'd ask in case there was a better way. The old survey software I used to use had a javascript display that would populate the new questions as the selections were made and it was pretty sweet, but I haven't seen anything like that in qualtrics. Any advice greatly appreciated!

2 replies

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 255 replies
  • August 24, 2021

Hi Jinx,
The Javascript option as you mentioned is a good option.
The other way which is similar to point number two is you could use a loop and merge. It will be far less work to set up than the second option. Also as ther are chances of many multi line text output(as 2 for each movie), ideally it would be better if you could have on seprate pages which again loop and merge may help you with.

  • Author
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 41 replies
  • August 24, 2021

Hi Nic, thanks for answering. The "javascript option I mentioned" was from a survey program that was not qualtrics. Is there custom javascript that could do this within qualtrics? I'm not a programmer, so I can't come up with it on my own, I can just paste it into the custom javacript editor. :)
Why would there be 2 multi line text outputs for each movie? I'm only wanting to create one text box per selected item, and people can write whatever comments they want in there, not to have different text boxes for 'i liked this' 'i didn't like this' etc.
The loop & merge looks like it could fit, I'll give it a try.

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