🏆️ Tell Us Why You Love Qualtrics | X4 2019 Pass Giveaway | Competition | XM Community
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🏆️ Tell Us Why You Love Qualtrics | X4 2019 Pass Giveaway | Competition

Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 900 replies
This post is in correspondence with our X4 Pass Giveaway 🏆️ Competitions! 🏆 The rules are plain and simple to participate in this competition - _tell us why you love Qualtrics!_ All you have to do is comment on this discussion with your response. Tell us about a specific support interaction that made your day or about a cool way you used Qualtrics that made an impact at work, in school, or anywhere else of importance to you! Write a poem, post a photo, tell us a story, share an experience, and don’t be afraid to get creative!

26 replies

  • 1 reply
  • December 7, 2018
I love the way that the data can be viewed from an overall perspective with charts on the dashboards, which were helpfully created for us, whilst in the same dashboard I'm able to deep dive into the individual responses. It means we can learn both large trends and individual pain points of our customers. Plus the recent UK event at Mercedes Benz World was a day with a difference, brilliant brilliant difference!

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 95 replies
  • December 11, 2018
This picture says it all! This is why I love Qualtrics. From the conferences to the community page to every day coding, it's way more than just a platform. It's a place to learn best practices, get new ideas, support other users and present stunning surveys and data for your clients.

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 183 replies
  • December 12, 2018
I could say I love Qualtrics because it is simple and easy to use yet incredibly powerful...and that is all very true! However, I _LOVE_ Qualtrics because of the team of employees I worked with when it came time to implement the software at our University. I won't name names, but I worked with this team on a weekly basis for over a year and they did not rest until the job was done _completely and flawlessly_. In fact, I loved working with them so much that I never took our standing meeting off my calendar. Every Wednesday at 3:30 in the afternoon I get that happy reminder that this used to be my Qualtrics Team Hour 🙂 They even took the time to send a condolence card when my father passed away. As far as I'm concerned, they are like family!

  • 1 reply
  • December 14, 2018
We LOVE Qualtrics at Torani because we're all about finding opportunities to improve our customer experience. Qualtrics provides deep thought leadership in this space and are constantly pushing us to reimagine CX. We have been impressed with the Qualtrics customer success team and their high standards in regards to making sure we know the tool, use the tool and love the tool! Keep up the wonderful work!!

  • 2 replies
  • December 14, 2018
I think that Qualtrics is easy to use, slick, and allows us to innovate. I'm happy my company moved to Qualtrics years ago and it's firmly embedded in our culture!

  • 1 reply
  • December 14, 2018
I love Qualtrics because it is easy to use, is made for researchers and understands what we need. I love all the new features, easy to speak with a support, everything.

I love Qualtrics for many reasons:
1. The product is easy to use and intuitive.
2. Powerful reporting and analysis tools.
3. Great people to deal with in Sales and Support.
4. Excellent Support organization. They take the time to listen and go above and beyond to ensure your success.
4. Great summit meetings where you learn a lot and have fun!

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 638 replies
  • December 18, 2018
Projects on brand
And respondent authentication
Query string building and custom validation
Daily reports filling my Inbox with dings
These are a few of my favorite things

Voice of the customer and building brand hype
Widgets and templates
So many question types
Public reports for the insights they bring
These are a few of my favorite things

  • 3 replies
  • December 20, 2018
Ripple Effect uses Qualtrics to create social network surveys. We use *all* the programming features, but the best part is the technical support! Everyone Ive worked has been committeed to helping me make the survey work!

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 684 replies
  • December 20, 2018
I think the best thing about Qualtrics is how much they walk the talk. They preach and practice experience. I know that no matter what, they've got my back and I'm always telling friends and colleagues how much I can rely on them. They are for sure a partner I can count on. They have some of the best people in the business working for them and they focus on what's important.

They talk about turning customers into fanatics? Well, I'm definitely a fanatic. I've done two implementations at two companies that I've worked for and if I ever switch companies to one that doesn't have Qualtrics, I'll be doing a third.

  • Level 1 ●
  • 10 replies
  • December 27, 2018
There are lots of things to love about Q. From programming a survey to the default reports - you make it simple. The customer service is always helpful. All the reps that I've talked to have always come through with a solution. while, there are some things which are a bit difficult to use, Q always seems to be taking in feedback and continues working on improving the platform.

  • 1 reply
  • December 31, 2018
Of course we love the product features and functionality, but we also love the support, culture, and community that Qualtrics and the many wonderful users provide. Go Q!

  • 1 reply
  • January 2, 2019
Qualtrics has allowed me to level up how our team approaches strategy with our clients and pull the foundational research through customer, product and operational components of their business. The power of the tool and the constant feature additions make Qualtrics more than a survey tool, but a strategic decision driver.

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 456 replies
  • January 3, 2019
Well, it is a seemingly easy and at the same time difficult question 🙂 So, I have to be honest with you guys. There are all kind of things that I have seen throughout several years of my experience with the platform. Things that I absolutely love, as well as things that I find extremely irritating. And the main thing that I love about Qualtrics is that they are working really hard on reducing the number of the irritating ones. I have filed a gazillion of feature requests and it is a real pleasure to see when they get implemented. This means that Qualtrics is not only providing us with a tool, so we can listen to the voice of our customers, but they, in turn, also listen to us and to what we have to say. "Lead by example" is what Qualtrics is all about. I have contacted the Support team to the point that they started to recognize me 😃 But every issue i ever had was fixed, or a workaround was given to me. I worked in a really small company of 15 people as well as in a big company, and never had any issues with the support team neglecting our problems. So huge Kudos to the support and the engineering teams!

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 46 replies
  • January 11, 2019
> @Libertywick said:
> !
> This picture says it all! This is why I love Qualtrics. From the conferences to the community page to every day coding, it's way more than just a platform. It's a place to learn best practices, get new ideas, support other users and present stunning surveys and data for your clients.

Hey, I know that good looking guy on the right. Along with what @Libertywick said, I love Qualtrics because I can take crazy ideas and build them on the platform. Sky's the limit.

  • 4 replies
  • January 14, 2019
Love Qualtrics in so many different ways, but here are four:
😀 Love the extremely easy to use interface. I learned Qualtrics on the job without any form of training. Qualtrics makes it so easy to learn - it is very intuitive. Let alone all the rich, well-written content on the support site.
❤️ Love the support team. I can't emphasize this one enough!!! From our account managers to the support team, they are always so warm, polite, patient, knowledgable and enjoyable to talk to. They really go out of their way to help me. Also, love the added Chat feature, because I don't feel like talking on the phone in an open working environment.
😎 Love the powerful functionality. After using Qualtrics for three years, I still find new features that help increase my work efficiency, improve my respondents' survey experience.
😁 Love the Resources available (webinar, ebook, blogs). I can find a good read on almost any topics. I felt that strongly recently as I started as the first market researcher at a new company.
I find myself refresh my knowledge on many different topics and Qualtrics is my go-to site now. I am so happy (lucky, too) that we use Qualtrics, because it is such a powerful tool that allows me to deliver my maximum value to the team.
So thanks Qualtrics 🙂

  • 5 replies
  • January 16, 2019
Love how intuitive Qualtrics is. I don't have to click through 34 pages to find something, everything is located in a place that is easy to access. I also love that it provides me with a tool to collect some awesome evaluation information, which I can use to present organization wide changes at the executive level.

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 33 replies
  • January 18, 2019
I use Qualtrics for everything BUT surveys...including user reporting of campus facilities, 'tapping' into events with our Campus ID cards, and custom Canvas integrations for both the traditional Qualtrics platform and Website/App Feedback (formerly Site Intercept). It'll be easier to explain if I just show you...

Check out the video I made by clicking here or scan the QR code below with your phone.


Special thanks to @Trinathon, UVU's steely-eyed missile man and API extraordinaire.

I made this video using Clips by Apple.

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 456 replies
  • January 21, 2019
@JasonHill OMG, this is so cool!

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 33 replies
  • January 22, 2019
@Mslreen Thanks so much!

  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2019
Qualtrics allowed us to standardize and centralize our NPS surveys across our entire organization last year, which includes 4 lines of business. Not only did we standardize our process of delivery in Qualtrics, but I created and designed dashboards in Vocalize for each of these lines of businesses that provided leaders with access to dynamic survey data and allowed for comparison of service levels across the businesses using charts. I am not an IT person, but I was able to use resources articles and a little help from my customer success manager to build a beautiful, easy to use dashboard that required little to no training on our leaders' parts. It has been a huge success! So much so, that our company president was shared to the dashboards and gave positive feedback. We have begun utilizing additional features this year including Tickets for follow-up and TextiQ for open ended feedback analysis. Both of which I am currently creating charts for in our dashboards! I love how much support is available to make these things happen and really take our process to the next level.

  • 4 replies
  • January 25, 2019
@Moskal Nice, I am actually looking into Qualtrics CXM, too. Would you like to share more of your experience offline? If yes, DM me 🙂

I love Qualtrics because of the CEOs understanding treating his employees right. I've read Ryan Smiths biography, and he seems to have great work-life balance values. Someone who started from the bottom understands work-life balance and that is very important because we have one life to live and we spend 75% of that at work. The company has great culture, employees who are treated right will work longer hours and be more productive- and thats a big win for everyone at the end. Qualrics provides fantastic educational videos for entrepreneurs to learn about customer experience management and because of Qualtrics and educational videos they provide I became a much better Marketer!

  • 5 replies
  • January 30, 2019
Loving Qualtrics is easy and is a progressive journey for us. We started with paper surveys and have in a short period of time graduated to Qualtrics in kiosks in our behavioral clinics. We serve a diverse population including homeless at risk that allow them to have a voice on the wide spectrum of services we offer. The program is dynamic and allows us to expand our reaching out to our clients in creative ways to hear their voice and to continuously improve the quality of our services.

A charming Irish limerick for you...

There once was a survey platform called Qualtrics,
That was more fabulous than even 4-20 brownie mix.
Every year it organized a conference,
That was attended by a preponderance,
Of devoted customer experience and Qualtrics lunatics.

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