📚️ Avoiding Question Wording Biases | Basecamp Wednesdays | January 25th 2023 | XM Community
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📚️ Avoiding Question Wording Biases | Basecamp Wednesdays | January 25th 2023

📚️ Avoiding Question Wording Biases | Basecamp Wednesdays | January 25th 2023
Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies

What is Basecamp Wednesdays?

Every Wednesday we will look at different topics discussed on XM Basecamp and provide a brief description of the Basecamp resource.
Whether you’re just getting started on your XM journey or ready to take your program to the next level, this weekly series is meant to help all users find Basecamp resources. 


Basecamp Wednesdays | January 25th 2023

Topic: Avoiding Question Wording Biases

Writing unbiased questions can seem like a daunting task, especially when slightly different wording can lead to unwanted issues such as double-barreled or leading questions. By removing unnecessary words & biases in your questions, you lessen the time and effort required to interpret a question and allow for respondents to allocate this time to answer the question. This reduction in cognitive load encourages respondents to continue answering your questions in a consistent and effective manner. 

Stop unintentionally promoting noise in your data and learn how to write unbiased questions that lead to accurate & useful data!

Where to find this course:

  1. Go to XM Basecamp.
  2. Search for Minimizing Survey Fatigue and Bias.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Find the Avoiding Question Wording Biases section.

Basecamp Video Link: Avoiding Leading and Complex Questions

Qualtrics Blog Article: Write the Survey Question

Question of the Week: Have you accidentally used leading or biased questions in your surveys before? 

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